Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Enjoy the Little Things

Robert Brault once said, " Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
I am now officially around 9 days here in Wyoming and here suffering through two a days. I have found it hard for me to focus on the real aspect of happiness and why I play the game I love. A lot of the time as I am getting yelled at on the court or running circuits I wonder why in the world am I here doing this. A guarantee is the money but I could go and get free school off of my grades at Utah State as well. Life is simply to be enjoyed not just endured. So this post is about why I do enjoy playing volleyball, it's always good to get a little reminder. ♥
I love hearing the rain bounce off of the gym roof while playing.
I love Susan Lindley and Makayla Keck... Go Idaho Spuds

I love heading out of my apartment to all the little bunnies Wyoming has to offer
I love that Volleyball gives me something to scrapbook about.
I love slamming this ball in the opponents face and turning into my team to cheer.
I love the feeling of being so exhausted that as soon as my head hits the pillow I am out.
I love emailing my brother about my success and wishing he was here to watch.
But most of all; I love that I get these two years while my best friend is gone to do something for me and to have volleyball help make time go faster. ♥

1 comment:

  1. Joce I love you!! Thank you for writing this...I needed to hear it today. I feel the same way...you helped put it in perspective!
